
All DSA members are invited to contribute to Socialist Forum! When the theme of the next issue of the publication is announced, all DSA members will be invited to submit a one paragraph (200-300 word) pitch for their potential piece via email. Pitch submissions should be formatted as Word documents and made through the Google Form that will accompany the announcement email.

Each pitch submission will be blind reviewed by two editors, who will respond to potential contributors with their decision. Potential responses include accept as is, accept with revisions, or decline to publish. Broad criteria for selection include representation for the diverse range of views that exist within DSA, as well as the potential for articles to stimulate thoughtful discussion and debate on the important political questions facing our organization.

Accepted submissions should be roughly 3,000-4,500 words in length. They should not include endnotes nor footnotes; simply refer to sources in the text or through embedded links.

We also invite our readers to submit responses to the articles published here. Responses can be sent to socialistforum[at]